Juozas Kavaliauskas
Memorial Charitable

The Juozas Kavaliauskas Memorial Charitable Foundation was established on 25 September 2019 after the loss of a brother, friend, colleague and the NOEWE group’s family member Juozas Kavaliauskas (he passed away on 3 November 2018).

We want children to live. To live long and happy lives. For this reason, our goal is to make the public aware of the problems of children with cancer, to raise funds and help the little ones recover. The foundation will not allocate the funds to the families directly, instead, they will use the services of professional organisations that will distribute funds based on applications received.

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Every year about 100 children are diagnosed with cancer in Lithuania.

The number is shocking and frightening but doctors emphasise that treatments used to cure oncological diseases are speedily improving and there is a 75% survival rate on average (in some cases the percentage is even higher). Still, there are real children and their families, real tragedies and hopes behind these figures. Although treatment of cancer takes a lot of time, it is very expensive and difficult both physically and psychologically, children can endure the disease and even defeat it.

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